On December 11, 2016 the Lansing area got its first real snow storm; I dare say blizzard weather. The snow had been falling for a couple of days and with this day's additional snow we were expecting close to 10 inches. A few weeks earlier I had booked a family Christmas shoot for this date. Our intended location was a historic church in downtown Lansing. I woke that day assuming it would be canceled. Much to my surprise an early text came in asking; "Hi Ariniko! Just confirming 1:30 today at the Methodist church, to the right of the capital? Thank you!"
I joked on Facebook that Michiganders are hard core because the event that had booked at the gallery I managed was still a go and my photo shoot was also expecting me to show up.
At one o'clock I left the bridal shower happening in REO Town and slowly made my way to the Capitol. The roads were not that bad, but I did drive really slowly arriving only 5 minutes early, despite only being a couple of miles away. Since it was still snowing heavily I had decided to bring an umbrella to cover my camera while shooting. I parked on Capital, unloaded my camera and bright pink umbrella, put on my fingerless gloves and snow boots and trudged through the foot of snow to the Methodist Church on the corner.
I watched in awe as the lovely couple and their 4 daughters got out of their cars, took off their heavy coats and made their way to the doorway in their mostly sleeveless fancy gowns! Their gorgeous, bright, red dresses and jacket blared like Rudolph's nose during a similar weather event.
It was amazing!
After posing as a group they quickly came up with the idea to get into a snowball fight, during a snowstorm, wearing dresses and high heels. It all happened so fast, I was petrified I missed the shot.
But I didn't!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!