We got snow! We got snow! As it started coming in last Wednesday I was pretty excited. This was the perfect type of snow too; big, fat flakes where you can actually see the crystallized shapes of each one. The ground was no longer warm so it started piling up as the snow continued throughout the day.

School hadn't been canceled yet, which surprised me, given that the weather folks were predicting 5-8 inches, hitting just as the buses were expected to drop off the kids. By noon, with about 3 inches on the ground already, the phones started beeping in multiple tones as emails and text messages started coming in, proclaiming the early release of the twins. At about an hour earlier than their normal arrival, the dog started barking at the two kids walking down the driveway. They were really excited about not only having school ending early but also the heavy snowfall. They both dropped off their backpacks and immediately headed back out into the snow. They rolled in it, sledded in it, tossed it and jumped into it. Of course, I photographed it. Given the good mood of the twins I even convinced them to let me get some photos of them having fun.

Today our temps are heading above freezing so most of this will melt, but for the weekend we had the glory of a good old fashion winter storm.
Be safe and stay warm!