Going to Grandma's House to Have a Photo Session
By Ariniko O'Meara
Posted March 21, 2016
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Whenever my grandson, Trenton comes to us for a visit we somehow always end up having a photography session. Sometimes I insist, like when I need a model for my new Easter layout, and sometimes he insists, telling me; "Grandma 'Iko, let's go do a photoshoot now." I am pretty sure his mom anticipates these shoots because she always sends a really nice outfit for him to wear. This session was a special one given that my sweet grandson turned 4 while he was staying with us.

I normally take him out into the yard, find the perfect spot and then just let him have fun. We've done wheelbarrow, leaf piles, stumps, green fields, snow piles, and his birthday MSU shirt. He always has fun and I enjoy the photographs I get to share with his mom & dad.