I am the oldest cousin on both sides of my family. There were 17 of us on my mom's side and 16 of us on my dad's. I was also the oldest of all my friends. When you tend to be the oldest of any group, people start to look up to you, expect things from you. I was the one asked to babysit my cousins. I watched over them when they swam at my grandparents' pool or canals. I entertained them when the grown-ups needed to talk or do something. These skills transferred easily to life lessons. I was also good with kids and kids always seemed to like me as well. Even as a grown up I acquired even more skills by rearing my own four kids and earning my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with a heavy emphasis on education. I really love children and always have.
This passion for children functions well for photography. It allows confidence in my ability to have a good photographic experience with them. One of my favorite young people sessions is newborns. I jump at every opportunity I can to do this type of session! Recently my cousin gave birth to a sweet little girl. I was so happy after shooting her maternity shoot when she mentioned she'd also like me to come back and shoot the newborn session. I've been taking photos of her ever-growing family for about 8 years now. And it really is an honor to get called back year after year.

A week after my cousin gave birth I arranged to drive to their house for her newborn session. When I arrived I found Little K was a little fussy and she loved her pacifier too. I could only calm her when she had it. After a bit of time, we also realized she was probably hungry again. I let my cousin feed her while I set up my shooting space. I always bring a shooting guide which allows me to show my clients how to pose.

I set out everything I thought I would need for the first pose and waited. Not too long later, little K was back in my arms. I wrapped her while trying to calm her at the same time. She seemed like she was going to be okay. We rattled off a few shots in this wrap and tried to go to the next outfit.
Again, she was fussy. My cousin fed her again but she wasn't eating much. We still weren't sure what was going on but we tried a few more poses.

My cousin's older kids had something to attend to so they left with dad, which quieted down the house a bit. Soon, little K was back in my arms again, although I was given the chance to just call it a night by my cousin. I felt I really didn't get the shot I was hoping to get and I think my cousin was a little disappointed too. So I decided to stay and try one more time.

This time, little K almost collapsed in my arms from exhaustion. I wrapped her in a plain white fabric I had and started putting her into different poses. She was at that sleep stage where I could pose her easily. We tried different baskets and blankets. At one point she even started smiling in her sleep and I got the perfect shots.

The room was warm and quiet and the baby was in a perfect peaceful slumber. I really wanted to put her into another wrap but when I started to unwrap her she started waking up. I decided I got some really great shots and she'd been so good and could use some rest. Instead of pushing for more, I wrapped her in a blanket and laid her in her bassinet where she continued to sleep while I put my equipment and props away.

This morning I was able to edit the photos and I think they are perfect! Just like little K!
I am so thankful people offer me the opportunity to photograph their treasured babies! It's such an honor to provide those memorable images to the family. There really isn't much better than that!