As a photographer one of the things that just makes me super happy is when I have a client that loves getting her pictures taken. Photography and having your photo taken can be quite stressful. I know, I'm one of those stressed subjects! This spring I had a new client purchase my 3-Season Senior Portrait package. This allows the client to select three seasons and have a 2 hour session at each season. We picked Uncle John's Cider Mill for her first session. She had gone through Pinterest and selected looks and styles that she liked. I took the suggestions and split them up between the 3 seasons and 3 locations. The flowering trees was perfect for spring and an apple orchard. Another look she wanted was the words SENIOR held up in front of the setting sun. I knew the perfect spot for that! Granger Meadows Park has a sledding hill that creates the perfect elevated scene and when the sun sets in the summer it can be spectacular! I took these sunset photos there last year.

Since we were scheduled for a 2 hour session I decided to use some of the other areas of the park to complete her shoot. There's a wonderful walking path that meanders through the park. On this trail is a stone carved bench. It makes a perfect relaxed setting.

There was a group of young people playing Frisbee so we did have to work around that. Luckily we found a lovely area outside of their play area and shot a few there.

We were able to sneak around the jovial group of athletes and photograph on the shaded field and the gorgeous steps leading up to the hill top, which is one of my favorite locations.

Once we worked our way to the top of the hill we had some time to relax before the sunset. I love working with Alyssa, she is a free spirit who's easy going and comfortable in her own skin. As we waited for the sun to set and for a young gentleman to propose to his girlfriend, we were able to take a few more fun shots!

Finally as the sun was setting we did a few back lit shots and our final SENIOR shot.

The 3 season session is quickly becoming one of my favorite packages. It allows me to really get to know my clients and her mom. We are exploring some wonderful locations around Lansing, Michigan and we get to make beautiful art in the process.