The greater Lansing area has had some really cold temperatures this winter. It had some really warm temperatures too, which makes this winter one of the most interesting I've seen in a while. On top of the below freezing days and the above 40 degree days we've also gotten a lot of snow. At one point the weather app was predicting 19 inches of snow! We ended up not getting that but it was fun anticipating almost two feet of snow.

One of my new favorite things to do on really cold January days, when I don't have a lot of out door sessions, is photograph bubbles freezing. Last week on a super sunny yet incredibly cold day I went out and did just that.

Luckily I had tried this process out a few years ago in 2014. That winter was also extremely cold. This time I was able to get a few bubbles to form and float away from me. It was much harder to chase them down and photograph them. I did get a few to form on top of a glass like I did in 2014 but was able to get better photographs because it wasn't as windy. Here's some of my photographs from my bubble freezing session.

Stay warm everyone!